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Author: Linux Ken

Python 3.10.4 – HTTP Server with SSL using

python 3.10.4Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (jammy) This tutorial is for lab, testing and demo purposes and should not be used for production. Below is the sample code. import http.server import ssl # Assign the port to be used. PORT = 12345...

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Python 3.10.4 – http.server HTTP servers

python 3.10.4Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (jammy) Python HTTP Servers module is a great module for testing and lab use when you want to spin off a temporary HTTP Server without installing nginx, apache or any of the HTTP Server Back End....

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Delete a user in Debian

Cleaning up and deleting unused user account in any operating system is important. In this tutorial I will show you how to delete a user in Debian. If you user adduser to create your debian user it will create a default user...

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Checking the users in Debian

It is important to always clean up your users account in any operating system especially those that are exposed to the internet. As Orphan account (Account that are no longer use) especially those with privileged access are...

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Adding a new user to Debian

Adding user to your Debian Linux is a very common tasks. In this tutorial I will show you what are the various methods to add a new user. You must be a root user or a user in the sudo group. Below are the steps. sudo adduser...

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What is Linux?

Linux is the best known and the most used open source operating system. Linux is a family of open source Unix like operating systems based on the linux kernel. As an operating system kernel it was first released on 17 September...

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The First New Linux Post

Linux is the OS of choice for me especially when I am doing testing, development and setting up lab. Not only are they open source which means most of the features and capability are free. It is also very suitable for people...

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